Why Hotel Photography Matters to Hoteliers

According to Hospitality Net, after price, hotel photography is the single most important factor for travelers and prospects scanning OTA sites. In fact, your photography counts for a 65% weighting in that decision making process. And according to a recent Trip Advisor study, when people are deciding which property to book, the reviews they read on the site are not nearly as important in their decision-making process as are the images displayed. So those pictures need to not just be good, but eye-catching. And if you show off your hotel with good, well exposed and colorful images, you are going to keep those peoples eyes on your property a longer… a LOT longer. The longer you keep people looking at your property, the higher chance you have of closing that deal, and garnering a booking.

With alternative services like Airbnb on the rise- not to mention disruptive apps that you can download for free on your phone- it isn’t getting any easier to boost bookings for your property. You need a way to stand out- and stand above- your competition. One of the easiest, fastest and least-expensive ways to realize that change is to upgrade the lever of your commercial hotel photography.

Photography & Marketing

One of the most important and easiest marketing investments any hotel or resort can make is for truly professional quality images to show off their property. Not only do you get a great ROI, but the effects are almost immediate. In as little as three weeks, we can shoot a whole new series of images for your property, or some fresh images to liven up your online presentation. If you are not moving forward, you are being left behind.

At first glance, high-qualityΒ hotel photographyΒ may seem expensive. But keep in mind it is a one-time fee. There is no ongoing maintenance, no monthly fees or subscriptions. If you increase booking by 10 percent, how long does an upgrade to your photography take to pay for itself? Usually not even six months, and sometimes as little as a month. That is a great ROI for you and your marketing!


What We Offer

We serve a variety of architectural clients- from Realtors to interior designers, from home owners to builders who want to show off their work in the best light. One thing they all want- and we provide!- is high resolution, magazine quality real estate photos- quickly and affordably.

But not everyone that comes to us has the same photographic needs. Part of that is our job; to assess what you need, and plan then ultimately provide the best way to get that to you. You also have a budget, and other constraints. We realize that. Our goal is to work with you within your budget to get you what you need, when you need it and with content that will blow you away.

We have put together a few basic packages for photographing your hotel and spa properties. This should give you a good staring point for budgeting for the shoot.

No matter what hotel photography package you choose, we will furnish you high-quality images of your property. These are great for print- brochures, flyers and any other sort of marketing you may be considering.

Hotel Photography Packages

We offer a variety of hotel photo packages and add-ons, so you can get exactly what you- and the property– needs. If you do not see exactly what you want, let us know. We are always happy to accommodate what you need with a completely customizable package from your photographer. We are here to work for you!

See Our Packages


Why Choose Us

The Internet is driving a fundamental shift in the US economy, and it is having a profound effect in the real estate industry. With the rise of apps like Airbnb, standing out from the pack is getting harder and harder. The rise of social networks such as Houzz, Instagram and Pinterest provides further proof that consumers demand a visually appealing online presence. Having a professional online presence- including quality photos- is a key part in driving your own success in that market.

Where are your customers? The Internet. And how do you best stand out to those customers? KILLER IMAGES. You have to grab them visually. Your images have to be dynamic and stimulating ones that compel interest. You need to create your story in a travelers eyes and brain, and then invite them to come experience that story. Look through our portfolio; do our images jump off the page to you? Do they look better than the images that you are used to seeing, or using? Then it is time for you to hire R\E Photography to update your online presence.